
Doing the legwork — No SEO guts, no SEO glory

SEO and continuing education It’s easy to know SEO concepts. It’s another thing to put them into good use and do the work involved in optimizing a site.  Yesterday, I was at a barnes and noble and saw the book SEO Bible. I flipped through the pages and I knew everything I saw. But if […]

Code SEO WordPress

SEO Randomizer: Save the Value of Your SEO'd Links

Update: Now use the SEO WordSpinner plugin to implement this concept.Use the get_seo_spin() PHP function in your theme’s footer.php file. Footer links are dropping in SEO value How to stay relevant while getting great links As a web designer and SEO, I place links in the footers of most of my designs. Clients don’t mind […]


Denver SEO informative website launched:

I am pleased to introduce, a web page that goes over the basics of search engine optimization: what is SEO, how can you do SEO yourself, and Denver-specific SEO.  Many of Katz Web Design‘s clients are unclear as to what search engine optimization is, so I hope this page gets them started with their […]


Denver Performance-Based SEO plans

Only pay for great optimization results One of Katz Web Design’s Denver web design clients wanted an option for performance-based SEO (Search Engine Optimization), rather than a monthly set price, so I created a package. Here’s the gist of our SEO package: Pay only $5.00 an hour for optimization Targeted keywords are given a value […]


Duplicate Content over Multiple Domains – SEO Issues?

I recently purchased some domains for SEO, and I wanted to do some research about best practices for using multiple domains on the same content. The good news?  Google does not punish duplicate content; they just sort it out themselves.


Domain Buying for Denver SEO

Image by annaOMline Gettin’ Me Some Domains for Search Engine Optimization Since Katz Web Design is going to be more active in Denver search engine optimization, I finally registered some domain names that I’ve been eyeing. Since domains are important for S.E.O. and KWD doesn’t have any SEO domain names, it was a ripe time to […]

SEO Tutorial

3 Simple Steps to keyword order SEO – Are your words SEO friendly?

Much search engine optimization revolves around guessing how users will search to find your site. When you’re optimizing for organic (non-paid) search results, you may be surprised to find out how much word order impacts the search ranking. Optimize your website for organic search with varying keyword order If you search the major search engines, […]


Denver SEO for colon cleansing…a "sweet" surprise!

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that one of my first clients in Lakewood, Colorado is now ranked top 5 for their primary keyword/key phrases: SEO results for New Choices Plus At the time of writing this article, here is their ranking in Google: Denver lavage: 3 Denver colon hydrotherapy: 1 Denver colon cleanse: […]


Warning: SEO companies charge too much and take too long

A man called yesterday wanting to have his Denver IT Services website optimized.  He had called multiple search engine optimization specialists in Denver, and each one had given him the same proposal: spend thousands of dollars per month, and take a long time. Check out what the SEO companies said He had been told the following by […]


Denver SEO: Achieving Goals – a slow trek toward good search engine ranking

I am a Denver web designer, and lots of what I do is advise my clients on how to improve their ranking. I do what I can to optimize the code using tried and true SEO techniques. But in the end, it comes down to this: are you willing to work for search engine placement? […]


How blogging helps your search ranking

  Why blogging helps your rank  The more you write about relevant content that is interesting, informative, and helpful, the more people will link to your blog. Consistently updating your website shows search engines that your site is active. Using keywords in your posts on a regular basis adds rich content to your site that a […]