
Disable Styles and Javascript in Safari with Keyboard Shortcuts – How To

Now Safari’s just as cool as Firefox

If you’re a web developer on the Mac, you may be sick of everyone talking about Firefox Addons that do everything but wipe your ass. True, Firefox is a great browser that is very expandable, but I love Safari, and I want to do as much web development on Safari as possible.

The feature that I missed the most in Safari was Disable Styles and Disable Javascript, both of which are super-easily done in Firefox via the Web Developer Plugin. With the advent of Safari 3, disabling CSS and Javascript is as simple as a keystroke combination of your choice!

Click on the images in the article for larger screenshots.

  1. Step 1: Open Safari Preferences

    Safari PreferencesGo to the Safari menu in the menu bar and select “Preferences…” from the menu.

  2. Step 2: Select ‘Show Develop menu’

    Advanced Tab of Safari PreferencesIn the Advanced Tab of Safari Preferences, check the box at the bottom of the window that says “Show Develop menu in menu bar”

    Now that you have activated the Develop menu, you have the ability to manually turn on and off styles and javascript. Next, we will automate the process using a keyboard shortcut.

  3. Step 3: Open the Keyboard & Mouse Preference Pane

    Keyboard Shortcuts PreferencesGo to your System Preferences (Apple Menu > System Preferences…) and choose “Keyboard & Mouse”.

  4. Step 4: Click the + Button

    Click on the “+” button at the bottom-left of the keyboard shortcut list to create a new shortcut.

  5. Step 5: Create a shortcut for Disable Styles

    Disable Styles Shortcut in the Keyboard & Mouse MenuChoose Safari from the “Application” drop down. In the “Menu Title” input, type ‘Disable Styles’ — it’s vital you type it exactly as shown in the screenshot. Next, click inside the “Keyboard Shortcut:” input box and type the keystroke combo you desire. I chose ‘Command + Shift + S’ (which is the shortcut for the Firefox Web Developer Plugin)

  6. Step 6: Create a shortcut for Disable JavaScript

    Disable JavaScript Shortcut in the Keyboard & Mouse MenuRepeat Steps 4 and 5, but this time–in Step 5–type in ‘Disable JavaScript’. Make sure you capitalize the ‘S’ in ‘JavaScript’ or it won’t work. Here, I’ve chosen the keyboard combination of ‘Command + Option + Shift + S’.

    You now will see both your shortcuts in the Keyboard & Mouse Keyboard Shortcuts list.Shortcuts Menu Completed

  7. Step 7: Make sure the shortcuts work

    Develop Menu is ChangedNow return to the “Develop” menu in Safari, and you should see both “Disable Styles” and “Disable Javascript” now have keyboard shortcuts assigned to them. If so, you’re ready to use the shortcuts, and disable Styles and JavaScript to your heart’s delight!

    If they shortcuts do not appear in the Develop menu, make sure the capitalization and spelling are entered in to the Keyboard Shortcuts list EXACTLY as shown on the menu.

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Tutorial Screenshot Gallery

Click on the screenshots below for a larger view (and step-by-step instructions).

By Zack Katz

Zack Katz is the founder of GravityKit and TrustedLogin. He lives in Leverett, Massachusetts with his wife Juniper.

7 replies on “Disable Styles and Javascript in Safari with Keyboard Shortcuts – How To”

Приветствую всех!
У меня такой вопрос,кто что интересное подскажет буду признателен.
Мы с друзьями собираемся поехать в круиз по просторам России и ближнего зарубежья месяца на два на своих машинах,но не как не можем согласовать маршрут,если у кого уже был опыт такого путешествия,может,что посоветуете.Девчонок с собой не берем,думаем,что во все городах России с этим не будет проблем,если у кого будут рекомендации и в вопросе отдыха с девушками тоже буду признателен.

С уважением Сеньчик

For those who can’t read Russian, this is what Google Translate says our friend said:

Greetings to all!
I have a question, who tell interesting that I should be grateful.
We are going with friends to go to cruise on spaces Russia and CIS for two months at their cars, but not as unable to agree on the route, if one has already been the experience of such travel, may recommend that. Girls with them not take, we think that all the cities of Russia this will not be problems if one will be recommendations and the issue of rest with girls, too, should be grateful.

Sincerely Senchik

Dear Senchik,
I recommend nominating one comrade to plan your road trip, thereby avoiding the troubles that you and your friends are having.

How your troubles are related to JavaScript and CSS, I don’t quite understand, but I am sure that the females on your road trip will.

Zack Katz

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