Tutorial WordPress

{Gravity Forms Shortcode Explained|Gravity Forms Shortcode – A Detailed Explanation}

I know about Gravity Forms…but what are shortcodes? Think of shortcodes as a placeholder for where other content will be displayed: instead of “Insert a Gravity Forms form here,” we use the `gravityform` shortcode. Learn more about shortcodes on The Gravity Forms `shortcode` has five pieces: “ `id` (required) – The ID of the form, […]


How to turn off captions in WordPress 2.6

Turn off da captions, turn off da funk! I’ve found that many who found my previous article about removing caption from the All In One SEO Pack are interested in disabling the WordPress 2.6 captions altogether. This is very simple to do. Futureproof way to disable captions From Otto: Add this to your theme’s functions.php file: […]


Remove [caption] shortcode from All in One SEO Pack in WordPress 2.6

Starting in WordPress 2.6, they’ve added captions to images that are automatically generated and use the Shortcode API to make it happen.  One side effect is that All in One SEO Pack isn’t set up to strip the caption from the automatically generated META tags, so you may end up with in your description. Thanks to […]