
Bradycardia & Cardiac Arrest for WordPress 3.6

Bradycardia is the resting heart rate of under 60 beats per minute…. Wikipedia A new feature in WordPress 3.6 is an upgrade to the autosave functionality that’s been around for years. It’s called “Heartbeat” and it makes sure you have valid authentication credentials, aren’t working on the same post as other people, and more. The problem […]


Strip Extra ImageScaler Attribute from Plugin-Generated Code

I am using the ImageScaler plugin for WordPress on a project, and I like what it does, but it adds a non-standards-compliant attribute to images, such as: <img class=”” src=”” alt=”Example” width=”258″ height=”234″ imagescaler=”” /> To strip imagescaler’s imagescaler attribute, add the following into your functions.php file: add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘strip_imagescaler’); function strip_imagescaler($content) { $content = preg_replace(‘/imagescaler=”(.*?)”.?/s’,”, […]