Design Politics

Found: Hillary Clinton's web designer

We know who Barack Obama’s web designer is.  Let’s find out who Hillary’s web designer is! I’ve looked through the CSS and there’s no trace of the designer. Anyone know? Hillary Clinton’s web designer has been found! Thanks to krs who left a comment below, Hillary’s web designer has been found. Design by Mayfield Strategy Group […]


Bill Clinton talks about Hillary – and actually makes great points

I’ve been not too happy with Bill Clinton recently — it seems every chance he gets, he makes an ass of himself and hurts Hillary’s reputation.  He probably needs therapy to cope with being First Gentleman.  Anyway, there’s a video on Hillary’s website  that is really well done.  It shows Bill talking about Hillary’s lifetime of […]


Democratic Convention – losing focus and message through technology

I listen to NPR (KFCR in Colorado), and I’ve heard a few bits about the Democratic National Convention here in Denver. One of the main topics in these bits is how technologically advanced the DNC ’08 convention is going to be.  There will be blogging, there will be YouTube, there will be Twittering, and so […]


When will Hillary & women have their turn?

Ok, I get it. Obama delivered a brilliant, vital, on-the-mark speech discussion about race relations in America. Everyone applauds, some people cry. Pundits unanimously agree it’s the most important speech…like…ever. That’s cool, good for him. Race is a-ok. What about gender?


I support Hillary Clinton

I just wanted to let it be known that I support Hillary. I like Obama, but I believe Hillary is a strong leader with good solutions now, whereas Obama would have to learn on the job. Visit her website and learn more about her position on issues.