Code Gravity Forms

Is Gravity Forms not able to repair your `gf_addon_feed` database table?

If you click the “Re-run database upgrade” link in Gravity Forms’ System Status page, and it doesn’t properly generate the {prefix}_gf_addon_feed table, here’s the likely problem:

The Feed Addon that you have installed is likely not being activated early enough. This is about to get techy:

The “Re-run database upgrade” script is triggered by the gform_loaded action, which likely has already run by the time plugins_loaded runs. If the add-on hooks into plugins_loaded to initiate, it will have already “missed the boat”.

This means that if a plugin uses plugins_loaded, the gf_addon_feed table is never created because the GFFeedAddon::post_gravityforms_upgrade() method is never called, because the gform_post_upgrade hook has already run by the time plugins_loaded is completed.

If you hook into plugins_loaded with a priority higher than the default of 10, this will fix the problem, because Gravity Forms will know about your add-on before gform_loaded action is run.

By Zack Katz

Zack Katz is the founder of GravityKit and TrustedLogin. He lives in Leverett, Massachusetts with his wife Juniper.