
Weather Forecasts for WordPress – WP Wunderground Plugin

This is the official plugin support page for the Wunderground plugin. Download it now from

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For information on how to use the Wunderground plugin, please view the plugin page. After reviewing that information, if you still have an issue, please leave a .

Plugin has 10 great looking icon set options that fit your website’s style

Limited sampling of icon sets is better than none! Here are (in order): Clear, Snow, Partly Cloudy, Rain, Mostly Sunny




Old School:







This plugin wouldn’t be possible without A Touch of Class Tree Service, a Denver snow removal service.

By Zack Katz

Zack Katz is the founder of GravityKit and TrustedLogin. He lives in Leverett, Massachusetts with his wife Juniper.

77 replies on “Weather Forecasts for WordPress – WP Wunderground Plugin”

[…] Weather Forecasts for WordPress – WP Wunderground Plugin | Denver … […]

Hey there. Great plugin and service you made. One thing tough, I have a multi-language site (trough qtranslate plugin), and need to translate the forecast condition phrases. Where do I have to put the code you entered in the FAQ? index of the theme or in your plugin? Can i put the inside the code? Thanks!

I have a multi-language site too and I would like to add/translate the forecast in French. Can you tell me how to do it? This FAQ code doesn’t mean anything to me.

This plugin looks excellent! Many thanks for this astonishing work.

Unfortunately, I can’t manage to use it. I just used your shortcode example, but it seems there is something wrong with the XML parser. I get a lot of warnings like this one:

« Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: parser error : Entity ‘nbsp’ not defined in […]/wp-content/plugins/wunderground/wunderground.php on line 354 »

and finally this error:

« Fatal error: Error reading XML file in […]/wp-content/plugins/wunderground/wunderground.php on line 355 »

Thank you for your help!

It looks great but I had trouble using it too. I inserted the code into a widget and it just creates this blank space. Tired other things and nothing worked.

@Krystal: Your host may not support the functionality used in the plugin. If you view the page source code, you should see a comment about why the plugin isn’t working.


is it possible to use my own weather icons? Or does a part of the script be recoded? if yes could you do that?

hope to hear from you.


If you want to use your own icons, you would add a filter to the bottom of your theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter('wp_wunderground_forecast', 'use_custom_wunderground_icons');

function use_custom_wunderground_icons($content=null) {

	$myIconFolder = '';

	$myFileType = '.gif';

	$content = preg_replace('/[a-z]/(.*?).gif/ism', $myIconFolder.'$1'.$myFileType, $content);

	return $content;

Thanks @arjan – instead of [code], use HTML code tag.

As Arjan was trying to write, you can use the shortcode inside WordPress template files using the do_shortcode() function.

So you can write do_shortcode('[forecast]');

I want to use in html-php but I don’t use WordPress, so I can not use do_short_code function. How can I display the widget? please, I don’t know much about php, be especific.
Thanks so much.

Hey Zack,

Great work and thanks for making such a nice looking plugin. I’ve got in my sidebar all happy but the days of the week do not center over the icons as in your examples.

Sorry if this is a stupid question but how to I get it to center over the icon, and also can I bold the forecast caption or change the font for it?

Thanks for any help you can provide,

yes, i am a major noob. i just figured out the answer. i used span style and div style! hey, reading is fundamental!

sheesh, sorry!


This morning, all is good. Not sure what the issue was, but seems to be behaving now.

Thanks again!

very nice plugin!

I just have 1 problem, I always have 6 days and I want to use 3 days but I still can not.

numdays=”6″ to numdays=”3″ but still the same.

Thank you

In WP>Settings>WP Wunderground under the Zip code, specify how many days you want.

@ Zach,

My display alignment problem is back. It seems to be caused by the description of the weather, e.g. “mostly cloudy” uses 2 lines, and “clear” uses 1 line, and so the icons are not aligned when there are different amount of description lines in use.

I hope my explanation is clear.



I would like use this plugin on my website. But the web provider does not allow to use simplexml_load_file() but replace with curl

Error message :
simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL
file-access is disabled in the server configuration in
on line 382

Some body can help me!


Hi there.

Thank you for the plugin. It worked great!
But, actually, after update I have problems with alignment too. Take a look @ the front page please. 🙂
can you help with that?

This plugin looks good

But does not work with Multisite 🙁

It just ignores all the changes on the settings page, and won’t allow me to save the option of using it in Celsius mode, Ignores short code location requests in all but the Network main site, etc

I am having troubles making the Celsius and Fahrenheit switch. Here is my code, but when the page comes up, all temps are shown in Fahrenheit.


[forecast location=”Winnipeg, MB” caption=”Weather for Winnipeg” measurement=”C” todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’]


[forecast location=”55401″ caption=”Weather for Minneapolis” measurement=”F” todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’]


[forecast location=”Chicago, IL” caption=”Weather for Chicago” measurement=”F” todaylabel=”Today” datelabel=”date(‘m/d/Y’)” highlow=’%%high%%°/%%low%%°’]

Thank you

hello guys,

to fix the alignment isuue, just add this line into you CSS file

.css_table_class th {width: 14%;}

this will fix it for six days’ table


How about local warnings such as Frost, Freeze, etc. for those with tender plants needing protection. Thanks from Lenny at Pinelands Nursery in Florida (

I have installed the plugin, but no matter what I do, it displays all 6 days of forecast, with the first title that I used.

I have tried it in both the sidebar and a post, same result.

I have cleared my browser cache and even tried a different browser, same result.

I have just downloaded your plugin and so far I am really impressed!
I do have a question though. Is it possible to let the visitor choose the forecast location or somehow link the location to the content on different pages of my website?
Many thanks,


My question is: How can I hide text (clear, etc.) if I can’t translate it?

I am from Hungary.


Just curious, why are you using trigger_error without having an error_handler anywhere? Wouldn’t it be better to use exceptions there and actually handle it within the plugin? I’m running into an issue where other plugins provide an error_handler and that’s causing problems.

it looks like a great plug in, but i’m having an issue. get this message when i try to activate it so i can configure it – Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘{‘ in /home/a/7/2/16682/16682/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wunderground/wunderground.php on line 486

could it be a permissions thing? i wasn’t able to install through wordpress. my server wouldn’t let it unzip the install. do i need to change the permissions on the php file?

نزل علي هدا الخبر مثل كائن فضائي قادم من وراء الشمس يشبه الاطباق الطائرة المحيرة …… ان ينزل سقف المطالب المشروعة للطالب الى ان يحصل على رخصة حانوت لبيع المواد الغدائية و الاكلات الشعبية فهدا لا يتطلب كل هده الجلبة و الضجيج الغير مبرر يكفي ان تختار الحي الدي تريد و تفتح حانوتك نعم اسيدي ما كاين كاع لي يدويك و لا يكلمك …بان ينزل سقف المطالبة بالوظيفة الى مجرد المشاركة الجماعية في الاستفادة من سيارة النقل المزدوج هدا كدلك امر لا ينسجم مع حب الملكية الفردية و تحقيق الدات و هدا سيخلق متاعب لكل راغب في الحصول على هدا الامتياز الدي لا يميزه عن الكوتشيات سوى المحرك بالفوضى الخلاقة و الابداع الرائع للسائقين في اصطياد الزبناء و تمريرهم من الضيعات و البساتين للافلات من قبضة الشرطة على مداخل و مخارج المدينة و تحميل هده الدابة الخرساء ما تنوء بحمله الجبال الراسيات من حمولة تفقدها توازنها عند اول منعطف بما يعرض الركاب لرجة عنيفة بمقياس ريشتر او بسرعة الكهرباء التي يستلهمها هؤلاء السائقين العباقرة من شوماخر في اطار اللحاق الدولي للنقل المزدوج العطاوية داكار . اقول لمن من اجله تقرع طعاريج عاشوراء…ان الاستثمار في العنصر البشري الدي يعد البنية الفوقية للمجتمع خير من الاستثمار في البنية التحتية التي تاكل ميزانيات ضخمة كفيلة بانعاش التشغيل و تمكين الطالب الدي لا يتقن اية حرفة اخرى غير الورقة و القلم بان يعيش حرا كريما و يساهم مع اخوته ورفقاء دربه في الاحتفال بالحياة عوض ان يلبسوا مسوحات الحزن و التشاؤم و تضيع الكفاءات و تدهب ادراج الرياح و قد يحيد القطار عن السكة ما يعرض الامن و السلم الاجتماعي للخطر و يجعل المواطنة الصادقة على المحك في اختبار عسير ما بين الحقوق و الواجبات عملا بالقاعدة الشعبية اعطيها برسيما تعطيك حليبا اعطها حجرا تعطيك رملا اعطيها قمحا تعطيك طحينا انه صراع الافكار و خلق الانسان ضعيفا صدق الله ورسوله اللهم اني قد بلغت

Love the plugin. It serves my purposes EXCEPT that it won’t display type in the footer area of the Customizr theme. It works perfectly in sidebars, but not the footer. Is there code I can change to make this work correctly?


Having issues with the plugin using short code. It seems to be displaying each icon/cell of the table it creates in different sizes… Unsure why this would be. If anything was larger then it should be the ‘Today’ and everything else smaller. Can you help?

Hi love your plugin. Quick ques: I’m not using the forecast title (caption) which leaves a plain white bar above the forecast. How do I change the bar color to be same color as the background which is blue?

Hi….Just installed WP Wunderground…very nice! I initially left your footer link turned on (sharing the love, of course). However, when I tested it, the link does NOT open in a separate browser window. Thus, it takes my website viewer away, and they may not know how to get back. So, I have disabled it. If you can tell me how to get it to open in a new browser window….I’ll turn it back on!

For Version 2.0 – check /wunderground/templates/copyright.html — add target=”_blank” to anchor tag

Wonderful, slick little plugin! Are there any plans to allow for a widget to display a fixed future date? It was brought up on the WP plugin support page but there hasn’t been any word on the matter one way or the other.


i have some problem

The WP Wunderground plugin requires the PHP function simplexml_load_string(). Your server has this disabled. Please ask your hosting company to enable simplexml_load_string.

can you help its?

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