As many small-business owners do, I work from home. It’s great: I get to be with my rascal of a cat, I check the mail mid-day, and I have the comforts of home. It’s not, however, a good place to meet my clients.Instead of wildly cleaning the house in preparation for meetings, I meet at coffee shops for initial interviews.
Today, I’m meeting with a client in order to finalize designs, and I need to bring my desktop computer (Mac Pro). A coffee shop is not always appropriate.
Meet at a library
Instead of meeting at home, consider meeting at your local library! They have quiet rooms with outlets, free wifi, and some (like Belmar) even have an espresso stand. Look for your local Denver Library Locations or if you’re a JeffCo kinda person, your local Jefferson County Library Locations.
1 reply on “Are you looking for a great place to meet clients?”
After writing this article, I realized how localized the links were. If you’re not in Denver (like most of the population), then call your local library and ask ifthey have Study Rooms or Quiet Rooms.