Code WordPress

Get medium image size in WordPress

This is for everyone who’s been trying to find out how to get the medium image size of a post attachment in WordPress:

You’ve got to send the function the ID you’re trying to get the medium images for.

$medium = wp_get_attachment_image_src($picture->ID, 'medium', false);
$med_url = $medium[0];
$med_width = $medium[1];
$med_height = $medium[2];

There are a lot more things you can find out by analyzing wp-includes/gallery.php.

By Zack Katz

Zack Katz is the founder of GravityKit and TrustedLogin. He lives in Leverett, Massachusetts with his wife Juniper.

8 replies on “Get medium image size in WordPress”

Thank you so much. This is really helpful.

Additionally I use the customfield for my image name and to find the image ID use an SQL like

$imageID=”SELECT * FROM `wp_posts` WHERE guid=’$image[0]'”;

Then I use your code and life is good 🙂

Thanks again…

This is very useful, thanks!

I was wondering if it’s possible to get medium size of an attachement if I don’t know $picture->ID, but rather url of attachment.


Right on, thanks for this one.  Very helpful and smart to reduce the image file size instead of just hard-coding the large image’s width to be the smaller dimension.

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