
Barack Obama: Screw the Auto Industry

The EV1 Electric Car
After congratulating the President-Elect on his win, I wrote a quick note about how frustrated I am with the auto industry.

My main reason for writing is that I want to voice my strong disapproval of bailing out the auto industry. Detroit has lagged behind in innovation and proven themselves incompetent and greedy. Auto makers should not be rewarded for making gas guzzlers while scrapping thier 100+ miles per charge electric car.

It would be a great benefit if the government would force automakers to bring the EV1 out of the scrap yard and either use or share the technology inside, instead of pushing some false-innovation such as the Volt. The Volt is one more lie from the auto industry reluctant to leave gas and oil behind.

Wall Street’s greed is in a way easier for me to swallow, because they weren’t being lazy, only selfish. Detroit, on the other hand, deserves to fail: as other automakers were improving the quality and efficiency of their cars, Detroit was finding ways to make them bigger and cheaper.

The American auto industry hasn’t proven it deserves to survive…maybe it could be nationalized as part of the EPA 😉

By Zack Katz

Zack Katz is the founder of GravityKit and TrustedLogin. He lives in Leverett, Massachusetts with his wife Juniper.